Goals End of Year Review 2015

To answer question #2 from the previous entry:

1. Family
At the beginning of 2015, I was very frank with Brian, and more importantly very honest with myself, regarding pregnancy. I was 45 until August, and I had to admit to myself that the likelihood of me becoming pregnant was almost nil. My body wasn’t cooperating (I may be premenopausal already), and quite frankly, I don’t blame it for the way I’ve treated it over the years (see #2). Besides, Brian and I not only have each other, but we have the five furkids and Prince Mekhi, our son-by-love. When we married in 1991, our wedding announcement in the paper said that “the couple are planning many children.” We didn’t realize that our children would be four-footed or someone else’s biological child. I recently explained to Mekhi what a blessing he is in our life.

Brian and I will celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary this year, or as we the geeks like to put it: our Mithril Anniversary. Brian and I want a big party, and then I want a second honeymoon because our first honeymoon was one day at Great America. Maybe in Door County, Wisconsin, or a resort/spa on Green Lake, also in Wisconsin. The issue with these plans are financial (see #3).

On a regular basis, I’d like to re-establish game nights with Brian and/or Mekhi, and movie nights with just Brian (Okay, movie nights with Mekhi, too.). Netflix sent us The Descendants back in February, and we still have yet to watch it, making it a very expensive rental. I know Brian will want to attend some concerts, movies, and festivals, but I’ll deal with that under #6.

2. Health
2015 has been yet another year of Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell regarding my weight, and even Brian’s. We are the heaviest we’ve ever been, having not only gained back all the weight we lost in 2012, but adding way to much more. I bought some new clothes in 4X, and I don’t even know Brian’s size any more. My arms are so fat (batwings/arm flab run in my family), I no longer can donate blood because the blood pressure cuffs used by the Red Cross no longer fit. Just looking up when this occurred, it was in November of 2014 that I found this out.

On the good side, because I gave up trying to get pregnant, my doctor could prescribe different medication to treat blood pressure, as well as finally taking medication again to treat my high blood cholesterol. Meds for the latter are considered Class X, and should not be taken while pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

Another good piece of news was the fact that I do not have the PALB2 gene that runs in my family, along with the predisposition for breast cancer. Thus my risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer is the same as the average woman: about 13%.

I bought a wrist BP cuff, which I have used, and an extra-large arm cuff, which I’ve yet to use. In the new year, I’ll be using both of these more often.

We own a PS2, a PS3, and a PS4 (which Brian needs to set up during our staycation this week). We also own several exercise games for these consoles. Now we just need to use them.

We did take Nina and Nibbler to the Dog Park in Sun Prairie a few times because our dogs need to lose weight, too. We need to do this more often in 2016. He!!, just walking on a regular basis would be a good thing.

Brian and I were talking about meal planning for the future to eat better and save money (see #3), but we’ve tried this in the past without success. So we figured the best thing to do is to clean out our cupboards, and start by planning meals around what we have.

3. Finances
Robert Reich is spot on correct in his videos for Move On.org in which he advocates raising the minimum wage among other progressive financial moves that need to be done to improve the US economy. Unfortunately The Wanker is listening to other idiots at the opposite of the politico-economic scale. Thus, Brian and I are actually making less money than we were when that jerk was first elected. Brian is next in line for a raise at work, when they can give them again (maybe after 2018 if that @$$h0!e doesn’t run again). I keep applying for better paying jobs with no luck.

When the garage and the main bathroom in our house needed roof repairs, we had to go to the Bank of Dad (Brian’s Dad, that is), and that was a horrible situation. We already borrowed our home equity to buy a new (used) caravan, so our only other option was to dig into our retirement fund. Fortunately Dad helped us after some hard feelings and words.

I already mentioned the big party and vacation I want for our anniversary. Brian also wants to go back to Gen Con, as well as attend Tesla Con, in 2016. I think the only way we’re going to afford all is to go through some of the “stuff” we have, determine what we’re willing to part with, and if it’s worth something, sell it. I’ve yet to present this idea to Brian, so I’ll keep you informed how that goes. I still keep buying lottery tickets, but winning is about as feasible as getting a raise from the Wanker Administration.

4. Creativity
At the beginning of 2015, I was determined to make this year the year that I finally write the next draft of Hirapis I. I completed my volunteer work for Odyssey Con, including instructions on how to do the things that I did, then I resigned from the ConCom as well as the OC Board. Then I completed a lot of the prep work for my last adventure/module in my Ptolus/D&D campaign. I hoped that by clearing my calendar of these, I could spend more time on my novel series.


Thanks to the Wanker, I received another “notice of at-risk for layoff” letter – my second one in my twenty-two years of state service. What time I had freed up was spent trying to find a better job. I did have a few interviews, but no offers. The good news is that enough people in my department retired or resigned, so I didn’t lose my job – yet.

Then came November and NaNoWriMo. I actually started off quite well and wrote 12,135 words. Then I slacked off with some computer games, actual work to do at the Day Job, and the need to find a new auto insurer because our insurer of over twenty-five years decided we were too high risk.

Don’t ask about my websites or any other creative venture. Hirapis was supposed to be my priority, and I already mentioned how much work I did on that.

My plan for NaNoWriMo was to mine and update the previous drafts to create a nice word count. Unfortunately (as is the case with most of my life’s endeavors) I didn’t follow through. So, that’s the plan for 2016: follow through. Hirapis is going to be my highest creative priority.

If I get the next draft of Hirapis done, then I will work on crafts and my websites.

5. To Do List
Looking on my improved method for the Infinite Master To Do List, most of the items are checked off.

However, I can do better, and I have a plan for doing more in 2016. See #7.

6. Events
I went to La Crosse and Minnesota for milestone birthday parties. Visited my in-laws and had dinner with my Best Friend Betsy RN MSN a few times each. Brian and I took the puppies to the Bark Park, sometimes with Mekhi. We also went to events for Mekhi at school or at Kicks Unlimited – where he’s learning American Tae Kwon Do.

We didn’t go to Summerfest or the Packers Shareholders Meeting, or other events like that, but we would like to do so again in 2016.

Big events are planned for the residents of Castle Curley in 2016: our Mithril Anniversary party; Gen Con; Tesla Con, etc. Plus, one of my dearest friends hits the big 5-0 late in the year, and I want to conspire with her best friend to surprise her in a very good way. Plus, we’d like to go back to the Wisconsin State Fair, as well as go back to Summerfest in 2016.

7. House
The house that is Castle Curley is almost a perennial problem as the weight of the denizens of the happiest home on the planet. As happy as we are here, the place is also one of the messiest. While Brian and I don’t fit the technical definition of hoarders, the house is a prime example of CHAOS: Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome. Every weekend, and especially the extended weekends, I have a to do list that is, well, infinite. A billboard on the way into Sun Prairie urged me to “Reclaim Your Weekend” by hiring whatever cleaning company advertised on said board. The problem at Castle Curley isn’t just the mess; it’s the clutter.

Fixing up the house the way we wanted to also is out of the question. See #2: having to borrow money from the Bank of Dad. At the time, Brian explained that when we bought the house ten years ago, we had certain expectations that our income would increase. Now we have a realistic understanding of 21st Century American Economics. The short version (too late) is that we cannot afford to do any of the major renovations we had in mind for the past ten years.

The priority for the house in 2016 is the Castle Curley Home Organization and Improvements List. On Monday (the 28th) of our end of the year Staycation, during one of the few incidents of the two of us having an argument, Brian and I argued over the number two item that we argue about: housework (Unlike most married couples, we rarely argue about money because our income is such a pittance that it’s not worth an argument. Our #1 “argument” is who got the better deal in our marriage. He thinks it’s him; I know it’s me.).

Back in November, inspired by the hideous time management seminar at my Day Job Statewide Training, I decided that I needed better organization in my life at home and at work. I spent a fair amount of time in November and December at the Day Job taking care of stacks that had piled up in my cubicle(s – I have what I call an “overflow cubicle” for files; a colleague refers to his as an annex), which included sending twenty-seven boxes of files back to the State Record Center, and dealing with some scanning requests made back in December 2014.

For the home organization, I decided that it’s going to take much longer, so I created a list of “areas” or “zones” to tackle, such as the Cleaning Supplies Closet or each of the two junk drawers in the kitchen or the secretary in the foyer or my craft table, work desk, and other areas in my home office. During the argument on Monday, I presented a preliminary proposal of this plan to Brian, and he agreed that it needs to be done. Again, the key will be the follow-through.

8. Delazan Enterprises (if)
The reason why DE was classified as an if for 2015 was that I would get to it if I completed the next draft of Hirapis I. Well, as you read in #4, that didn’t happen, so neither did any work for Delazan Enterprises.

DE will be an if in 2016 also; however, I may make it more of a priority to help pay for events that are desired in 2016. See above for more details.

Pog ma thoin!

“An optimist says it’s going to be a sunny day; a pessimist says it’s going to rain; a realist brings an umbrella just in case, and I keep a small umbrella in my book bag.” – LAC

Lori’s Year In Review: 2015

When I started blogging in 2004, someone posted this meme. I’ve answered the same questions for over ten years now, and I like to keep up the tradition.

1. What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
Said no to volunteering for something.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions (NYR), and will you make more for next year?
I refer to NYRs as the Infinite Master To Do List, and yes, I made them. See the next blog entry for an accounting of what I’ve achieved in 2015, and what I hope to achieve in 2016.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Surprisingly, no. Nor has anyone announced a pregnancy.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My Uncle Bill, one of my mother’s five brothers, succumbed to cancer. When Brian and I were on our honeymoon at Great America, we ran into Uncle Bill and his wife, Aunt Kay (they live in Illinois, but we try not to hold that against them).

5. What states or countries did you visit?
Illinois to visit the zoo that was the Ikea warehouse store on a Sunday afternoon. Minnesota for a friend’s 50th birthday party.

6. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
More money; a better governor and legislature; a better paying job.

7. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Monday, July 13, 2015, my 24th wedding anniversary with the World’s Greatest Husband. We made each other cry with memories of our wedding day. Then at Parthenon on State Street, we had fun watching our son-by-love Prince Mekhi eat his first gyro ever.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Wrapping up some volunteer work I did for a convention, then resigning from its ConCom and Executive Board.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not finishing Hirapis I, Draft III

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
The Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression will be challenges for the rest of my life, as will the epilepsy and hypertension. I pulled a muscle in my back in May and November, and I really need to strengthen my core so that my back muscles don’t do that anymore.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
So far, a new thin wallet from American Science and Surplus in Milwaukee and the R2D2 flare dress and the Twin Suns of Tatooine shift dress from Think Geek. Plus a new (used) Grand Caravan.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Bernie Sanders, Russ Feingold, and Alan Grayson: all announcing their candidacies for 2016, and I hope they all win.

13. Whose behavior made you:
Appalled? The State of Wisconsin Legislature for trampling over worker and voter rights, and the Wanker for signing it into law. (Right to work (for less); dismantling the Government Accountability Board, etc.)
Depressed? Same, but for writing my job out of the budget (for the second time in my 22+ state civil service career).

14. Where did most of your money go?
I don’t know; the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation keeps lousy records.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
At the moment, I cannot think of anything. Not even Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens (I am cautiously optimistic about Disney films.) Isn’t that sad?

16. What song will always remind you of 2015?
After the Super Bowl commercials came out, Brian confused the 2014 Bud commercialPuppy Love” song “Let Her Go” by Passenger with “Let it Go”, the Oscar-winning song from Disney’s Frozen. Knowing that the Academy Award for Best Original Song cannot go to a cover, I googled both songs and finally listened to the Idina Menzel video. I was hooked. Since then, I also purchased Frozen on Blu-Ray.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
  a) happier or sadder? I have moments of both. As I’m typing this in December, I feel sadder.
b) thinner or fatter? Fatter, unfortunately. I’m now up to 4X.
c) richer or poorer? Poorer due to no significant raise despite a higher cost of living.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Writing Draft III of Hirapis I.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Hating my job

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
 Eve: With Prince Mekhi, then (hopefully) the World’s Greatest In-Laws (mine!);
Day: With the World’s Greatest Husband (mine!) and our critters; Brian and I also will go see The Force Awakens at the local cinema.
Boxing Day/my late mother’s birthday: with my siblings and their families (my one holiday concession to my side of the family) because my brother Tom actually got his arse in gear to plan it (I refuse to do so).

21. With whom did you spend the most time on the phone?
Brian: the Great Love of my Life.

22. Did you fall in love in 2015?
Been in love with the same guy since 1989, and every day I love him more. Many days I truly am surprised that he still puts up with me. He still thinks he got the better end of the marriage deal; I know that I did. Seriously, that is one of the “fiercest arguments” in our marriage. ;}

23. How many one-night stands?
Because I am monogamous in my marriage, I only have one night stands in my dreams and with the strangest people/fictional characters. See #35 for this year’s details.

24. What are your favorite TV program(s)?
The Big Bang Theory which keeps getting better and better. I also have a soft spot for TV shows based on Marvel and DC comics.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Is there anyone on the planet with half-a-brain who doesn’t hate Donald Trump?

26. What was the best book you read this year?
I finally read The Hunger Games trilogy, and it was very, very good.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Imagine Dragons sophomore album Smoke + Mirrors is beautiful.

28. What did you want and get?
More Munchkin paraphernalia, a couple of great dresses and other fun sundries from Think Geek.com

29. What did you want and not get?
A better job, or at least a decent raise (ain’t gonna happen in this administration). A winning lottery ticket for the jackpot.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
So far, probably The Hunger Games film series, though I’ve yet to see the final segment. The movies were impressively close to the books. Again, I have yet to see SW VII, and I thought Avengers: Age of Ultron was pretty good. Unfortunately with Joss Whedon at the helm, I spent the movie wondering which major character was going to die.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Brian was afraid that he couldn’t top my birthday Packer game in 2014, and I honestly told him he didn’t have to. I do not expect something special for my birthday, Mother’s Day, etc. every year. Every few years, or at least once a decade for something special, and I’m ecstatic. Quite frankly, unless the Packers play at Lambeau Field on my birthday again, the WGH doesn’t have to do anything extraordinary for my birthday until I turn fifty.
See my journal entry for the day. I turned 28 for the nineteenth time.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
A finished novel, but that’s my own fault.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
I stopped wearing the color scheme day of the week that I did in years prior. Now I have enough clothes that I don’t have to wear the same five outfits every week. I also bought a couple of dresses from Think Geek’s Star Wars line. I need to buy some palazzo pants or have some made by my seamstress/sister-in-law Donna.

34. What kept you sane?
What is this “sanity” that you talk about? Although the WGH, the critters, Prince Mekhi, my Best Friend Betsy RN MSN, and especially the psychotropics do help.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Many people have their “List of Three”: the three celebrities your spouse would have to be okay with if you ever got the chance. My list is actually three and two: three single men: Clay Matthews, III, J. J. Watt (yes, both defensive gridiron football players), and Liam Neeson; and two married celebrities: Mark Hamill and Chris Hemsworth. Yeah, like I have a chance with any of them.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Any legislation that provides electoral reform in the United States.

37. Whom did you miss?
My parents, my Auntie Clare, my late cats.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Dana D.: an HR person at DNR who held my hand and soothed my nerves when I was given my at-risk-for-layoff notice.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015:
Being there for someone is not as difficult as it sounds, and the rewards are worth far more than the challenge. You may feel like it’s hard or impossible to comfort someone who is going through depression or frustration or whatever; You may feel like your words are meaningless tripe; however, just the fact that you are there makes an universe of a difference in that person’s life.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
 It’s funny how some distance
 Makes everything seem small
 And the fears that once controlled me
 Can’t get to me at all
 It’s time to see what I can do
 To test the limits and break through
 No right, no wrong, no rules for me
 I’m free!
“Let It Go” by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez from the Disney movie Frozen

First Blog Titles Month by Month 2015:
January: New Blog, New Goals
February: Prince Mekhi
March: Holidays at Castle Curley…
April: Due to being busy at both the Day Job and Odyssey Con, I wrote no journal entries in April 2015.
May: Finally Two Stores That Get Me as a Female Shopper
June: Party Planning
July: 24 Years Ago
August: Fricking Fabulous
September: Riddle me this…
October: Good News: I’m Average!
November: Thanksgiving was Damn Near Perfect
December: Rubbing Nina’s Bentley…

Blessed Be,

“This year has just been overwhelming depression with showers of kitten.”R. K. Milholland
“…and puppy.” – Lori

My Annual Rant is No Longer Needed

Yesterday while watching the Packers tromp the Cowboys, I pondered whether or not I should send an e-mail to the sponsors of the Fox Sports broadcast stating that I would boycott their products as long as Joe Buck (someone please tell him that Movember is over and that the Miami Vice look went out of style when the show was cancelled in 1989) and Troy Aikman continue to commentate the Packer games. They’re the worst game callers ever, and I already signed the Change.org petition.

Unfortunately as I paid attention to a few of the commercials, I realized that I can’t boycott products I have no desire to purchase. Bud Lite and Miller Lite? No thank you, drinking that swill is like making love in a canoe (Google it if you don’t get the joke). I don’t care how kewl it looks, I will not play Mobile Strike on my smartphone or tablet, and especially not with Arnold peddling it.

Then we come to the commercials for jewelry and luxury cars. This time of year, I typically blog about how these industries sell nothing in which I am interested, even if I could afford their wares. The only bauble that came close is the “Ever Us” diamond ring by Kay Jewelers, but I told the husband that he already gave me a ring with two diamonds (additionally, I think a ring with diamonds around the circumference would be painful to wear). The World’s Greatest Husband reminded me that the price of my engagement ring was less than a hundred dollars (also circa 1989). I reminded him that the cost of the ring isn’t important; the man who gave it to me is.

Brian received my wish list a couple of weeks ago because I felt the need to pare down my lists on Think Geek, Amazon, our FLCS, and the Packers Pro Shop (which continues to ignore women in my size, thus my current wish list there is nada). Since then, I’ve added a dress or two from Hot Topic, which has jumped on the fandom bandwagon of some movie being released on Friday. I don’t know anything about that. ;}

More on geekdom in a later entry…

Pog ma thoin!

WGH: “You change your mind a lot.”
Me: “Duh! I’m a woman; it’s my divine right to change my mind.”

Rubbing Nina’s Bentley…

…another reason why I hate autocorrect.
Last month, I was in Wisconsin Dells at a statewide training for the Day Job (and I may blog about that later because it was more fun than it sounds). To cheer me from being away from home, as well as to keep me awake and help make my sanity checks, Brian (the World’s Greatest Husband) texted me, often with pictures of our critters. At one point in a terrible seminar on Time Management, the presenter showed a slide with a dog. I texted Brian a picture with the caption, “Nibbler is calling me big time!” Brian texted back, “He misses his mama, and Nina says this Bentley ain’t going to rub itself.”

He meant belly/belleh, but that’s autocorrect for you. We had an interesting time telling this story to Prince Mekhi and explaining that a Bentley is a luxury car. Then I had to explain the word “luxury” to Mekhi. The kid has had a challenging life in his nine years.

Speaking of the Dogs
I finally gave up on trying to give Nibbler and Nina baths. It’s easier to pay someone to do it. A pet store on Main Street in Sun Prairie (two blocks from our house) had an excellent pet groomer. She’d cut Nibbler’s fur in such a way that his butt was covered, but poop wouldn’t get in his fur. Unfortunately, she had a family emergency earlier in the year, so we had to find a different groomer. Found one that is good and not as expensive, but not as skilled as the previous groomer, who used to give Nibbler the dog equivalent of a Brazilian.

Nibbler is such a mama’s boy; he’ll plop himself on me to make sure I don’t get out of bed. Wouldn’t be so bad except that he lies on me with his tail wagging in my face. Hey, so long as he doesn’t fart…

Earlier in the year our insurance agent sent us a letter regarding home coverage we might want to consider; we had a good laugh over the “jewelry and furs” suggestion because Brian only can buy jewelry for me from the Packers Pro Shop or Think Geek.com, and our “furs” are three cats and two dogs!

Speaking of Gifts
I started my Christmas shopping on December 1st. For the record: Even though I am a Pagan who does a Yule ritual every year, and Brian is an atheist; we still celebrate Christmas, albeit with a Jewish vibe on December 25th proper. Our first married Christmas, I almost gave Brian a flannel shirt. When I showed it to him, he admitted how much he hates to receive practical gifts for Christmas. My mother gave us clothes, including underwear, for Christmas (from “Santa”) as well as items like deodorant in our stockings. Because my birthday is at the end of August, she frequently gave me school supplies. Happy effing birthday. Since that first Christmas, Brian and I have a “no practical gifts” rule that is sacrosanct.

So, what do we do for the holidays?
Prince Mekhi spends the night with us on December 23rd, and we decorate the tree together (in fact, Mekhi and I already are counting down the days with a Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar). On Christmas Eve morn, Mekhi opens his presents from us (Mom #1 raised all her children with the truth about Santa Claus, but she is okay with whatever we give to Mekhi). Then Brian and I drop off Mekhi at Home #1 before we have supper with my wonderful in-laws in Janesville.

Christmas Day is similar to Thanksgiving in that we usually do our own thing. In this case, we order Chinese food to be delivered and sometimes go see a movie. I already bought tickets to Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Boxing Day traditionally is not a holiday in the USA, but December 26 is my late mother’s birthday. My siblings and I sometimes get together, usually at a restaurant in the aforementioned Dells. I let my siblings make the plans because I’ve had an easier time herding cats than I have planning anything with my siblings. I think the last time Brian and I were a priority in the lives of my siblings was our wedding day in July of 1991.

Pog ma thoin!

WGH: Why don’t we build forts in bed?
Me: Because the dogs hog all the blankets.

Thanksgiving was Damn Near Perfect

As I mentioned before in this blog, Brian and I do Thanksgiving very differently at Castle Curley: we stay home, in our pajamas, cook our own meal, that we share with the critters, watch football and/or movies at our whim, and do not have guests unless they adhere to our strict dress code: they must wear pajamas, or at least something very comfortable like an old sweat suit.

Brian likes to get up early to have a cup of coffee and read comic books to ease into the day. He started the herbed bread in its machine, along with topping it with an Italian cheese blend. I slept in until the puppies woke me at pee-o’clock (yes, that is a specific time; ask anyone owned by dogs).

Due to the fact that the stove that came with our beautiful old house was avocado, and thus about as old as I am, and it no longer had any functioning oven door handles, we used some of the money we borrowed from the Bank of Dad (more on that in a later entry, but we had some emergency roof repairs) to buy a new stove. The first time we used it, I bombed making gravy (don’t ask; probably just too much fat). On Thanksgiving, Brian used the stove and the oven to cook the gravy (packet) and bird (turkey breast) and pie (can of Libby’s).

The only thing made from scratch is the pie crust because my family has an easy recipe that even I can’t mess up. I use the microwave for the Stove Top stuffing and instant mashed potatoes (with some minced onion added in for extra flavor).

We had to put the plates for the dogs in separate rooms, otherwise Nina would have eaten both plates of turkey. The plate for the cats went on the secretary in the foyer that the cats can jump on, but the dogs can’t reach.

We were surprised during the football games that the Detroit Lions were so dominant over the Philadelphia Eagles. As much as I hate to root for the Dallas Cowboys, I was hoping they’d beat the Carolina Panthers for what Cam Newton did to a Packer fan’s sign earlier in the season. Didn’t happen. As is our tradition, neither Brian nor I saw the second half of Cowboys game due to a nice, long nap.

The only bad item to the day was the Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers. The Packers had a nice half-time celebration to retire #4 in honor of Brett Favre, but unfortunately my team (yes, I am a shareholder) lost. 

Pog ma thoin!

“A game that requires the constant conjuring of animosity.” – Vince Lombardi, On football, New York Times (10 Dec 1967). Which, in my opinion, makes it perfect for Thanksgiving. – L.

Good News: I’m Average!

History mode:

Cancer, and specifically breast cancer, runs in the maternal side of my family. My mother (who came from a family of twelve siblings), three of her sisters, three of her brothers, both her parents, and one of my cousins all have been diagnosed with cancer. The good news is that only one brother and sister died of cancer. My grandparents died of old age, and my mother died probably due to the cancer treatments she received.

I’ve been very proactive about breast cancer screenings since the first aunt was diagnosed in the 1980s. I was diagnosed with Stage 0, or in situ, melanoma in September 1992, and I’m all clear after minor surgery to have the melanoma removed (it hadn’t even penetrated to the second layer of my epidermis). Because of my background, I went to the UW-Madison Hospital’s High Risk Breast Clinic over a year ago, and they suggested that my risk of one day being diagnosed with breast cancer was at least 25%, maybe more.

My maternal relatives have been participating in a University of Washington research study on the PALB2 gene, the partner and locater of BRCA2, the breast cancer gene. Some of my relatives, including my brother Tom, have PALB2. Earlier this year I sent in my bloodwork to the study and learned that I don’t have the PALB2 gene. /history mode

The Good News
Yesterday I went for my semi-annual clinical breast exam at the breast clinic. In the year since I’d been there, more research has discovered a higher link between PALB2 and BRCA2. If I had the gene, my risk for breast cancer diagnosis would have risen to about 70%. Because I don’t have the gene, my family history is ignored. My risk reduces to about 13%, the same amount for the average woman. As with the MRI giving me a negative impression (as in no cancer detected), I am glad to be average in this case. In fact, I am the first “graduate” of the breast cancer prevention program at UW Hospital. I only need the annual mammograms and clinical breast exam at my annual physical.

I am relieved, and I thank the God and Goddess for this wonderful blessing.

Pog ma thoin!

“I have to go get my boobs felt up.” – me describing a breast exam


Some would call them goals or New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve been setting them for years, and I even achieved a few, such as completing my bachelor’s degree (thirteen years after graduating from high school) and buying a big house. Now I simply refer to these as the Infinite Master To Do List (IMTDL).

You will recall that I posted an extensive list of goals in my first Word Press entry, as well as a “progress report” of sorts in my Annual Review post in my private journal. Yesterday, I checked a lot of items off the IMTDL:

  • Paid bills, including the Costco annual membership fee and the U. S. Cellular additional fees from buying new phones last month.
  • Called DirecTV’s customer retention and asked for the NFL’s Red Zone Channel. It should be up by game time on Sunday.
  • Sent my siblings an e-mail about my son Mekhi’s school fundraiser. (If you wish to donate money, please let me know.)
  • Also arranged to attend the school’s Fall Family Night with Brian and Mom #1.
  • Contacted the landscaper to schedule getting rid of the detritus around our house and garage.
  • Contacted the contractor, who contacted the roofer, and scheduled repairs of the bathroom roof and the garage roof.
  • Contacted my D&D group about the games in October.
  • Put our Badger tickets on StubHub because we won’t be able to attend Saturday’s game.
  • Bought a math workbook for Mekhi to do as homework, per his teacher’s suggestion (and after I cleared it with Brian, of course).
  • Checked my lottery numbers; didn’t win, but I sent in tickets for the second chance drawing.
  • Ordered a book from Scholastic’s book club for Mekhi, just like I used to order when I was his age.
  • Printed my blog entries to date for the year (I like to keep print copies just in case).
  • Searched for a new job and applied for four jobs on campus.
  • Worked on the shopping list, which includes lists for groceries, Target, Costco, and Farm & Fleet.
  • Scheduled the DVR to record both the Badger and Packer games this weekend.
  • Picked up books I had on hold at the library.
  • Attended the Fall Family Night at Mekhi’s school to learn more about what he’s learning (and it’s awesome!). Mom #1 didn’t make it.
  • Put another load of clothes in the washing machine.
  • Scanned in medicine refills to our local Walgreens.

And I still have more crap to do today.

I can haz nap nao plz?

Pog ma thoin!

Me: “Some days, I think I’m losing my mind.”
Brian: “Other days you’re sure?”

BTW: the answer to the previous entry’s riddle was “violin.” Go figure that the person with no musical skill whatsoever couldn’t find the right answer without asking someone. -L.

Riddle me this…

Yesterday, I came across this riddle on the Internet. Unfortunately, I can neither find nor think of a solution. Can anyone out there in the World Wide Web help me?

There came four men from out the wood
Their way was straight and their strength was good
Then over a bridge the four men ran
To come together as one man
There came a horse without a bone
That made the four men whine and moan
Wood and men and bridge are all but one
Put them together and you’ll find my riddle is undone.

Pog ma thoin!

Jack Black and I have one thing in common…

…a birthdate.

At the Day Job, people bring treats for their birthdays, like we did when I was in grade school. Traditionally, I bake my mother’s cinnamon roll recipe, and even though I had all the ingredients, Thursday night I didn’t really feel like baking. Instead, I decided to stop off at the People’s Bakery in the morning for some doughnuts.

Friday morning, I almost forgot it was my birthday until I checked my e-mail during my morning routine. Brian, the World’s Greatest Husband (WGH), sent me two books from my Amazon.com wish list: Night Watch and Day Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko et al from the World of Watches series. We saw the film Night Watch based on the first part of the same-named novel years ago, and Brian keeps telling me to expand my reading from the books I’ve read ad nauseum, so I put the entire series on my wish list.

My only sincere wish for my birthday each year is for one person to say happy birthday to me without a reminder from me, so I was glad when I received an e-mail from my Best Friend Betsy RN MSN wishing me a happy birthday. Even though Bets looks a lot younger than I do (and neither of us looks like we’re in our mid-forties), she is older than me by six months and two days.

Brian forgot to wish me a happy birthday until I reminded him to stop at the People’s Bakery, but that’s okay: he already sent me gifts (and one more is on the way); plus, as I keep reminding him, every day with him is the best gift ever. The bakery not only was generous with the two-dozen doughnuts, but I also bought some doughnut holes.

In fact, Brian was concerned about how he was going to top last year’s birthday: the Packers played their last pre-season game at Lambeau on my birthday proper. He bought tickets from a colleague, and we had a marvelous time. Plus, I splurged on myself and bought the unaltered theatrical releases of the Original Star Wars Trilogy (in other words, Han shot first).

At the Day Job, I sent the e-mail:
It’s Jack Black’s Birthday… (DOUGHNUTS!)
…which happens to be the same date as mine.
To celebrate turning 28 (for the 19th time; you do the math), I brought in doughnuts and doughnut holes from the People’s Bakery. Goodies can be found on the fifth floor between columns B9 and B10.
Remember: the more you eat, the less I gain!
The doughnuts were gone before noon, and I ate the last doughnut hole for dessert for my lunch.

I was mildly disappointed that Google didn’t have a birthday Doodle for me, as they have in the past. Oh, well. No big deal.

After work, I took a nap because I was tired and it was MY birthday, dammit. Though I did tell the WGH to wake me in time for dinner. I debated between the Nitty Gritty, a local birthday bar that I hadn’t been to for my birthday since my mid-twenties, or the Market Street Diner, where I would receive a free birthday cake from Carl’s Cakes. Ultimately, I decided upon the latter because my acid reflux was acting up, and I didn’t want to exacerbate it with bar food.

Even though I wanted to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon II: The Green Legend on Netflix that night, I decided I just wanted to go to bed early. Yes, I’m getting old. Besides, when I just looked up the hyperlink, it says the movie still has yet to be released.

Saturday evening, as Brian and I watched the debacle that was the Packers preseason game three and at the cake from Carl’s, the WGH lamented that this year’s birthday was no comparison to the grandeur of last year’s. I told him that was fine. I don’t have to have a big to-do every year for my birthday. He can make a fuss when I turn 50 because I want a big red hat party.

Pog ma thoin!

“There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.”Dave Barry


Weekend Wonderful…

… but still too short.

Friday/Ladies Night Out
My Best Friend Betsy RN MSN and I try to get together once per month, but it typically works out to about 3-4 times a year. Friday night we met at Saigon Noodles on the west side of town, and had a lovely time. Of course, she told me more stories of her three children. B., the middle child and oldest boy, is very smart; but doesn’t always do his homework, preferring to coast on his intelligence. Betsy made him attend summer school, which he hated. As she told me this story, she reminded me that she doesn’t wish to be offensive, but B. complained about the stupid kids in his class “who have to wear helmets;” i. e.: they have physical and developmental disabilities. Betsy reminded him that it was his fault he was in summer school by stating that “stupid people” included him because he didn’t do his homework. Betsy’s youngest A. asked her if he would have to go to school in the summer, and she said only if he didn’t do his homework. “Good,” he said, “I don’t want to go to helmet school.”

Okay, Betsy and I can chuckle at this because 1. I have epilepsy, and 2. A. is a medically fragile kid who was born with a congenital heart defect, since corrected.

Saturday/Mekhi’s Blue Belt Test
To recap: Mekhi has been taking American Tae Kwon Do lessons at Kicks Unlimited in Sun Prairie since December 2013. This past weekend, he tested for the next belt in the progression: blue, and he’s about halfway to his black belt. During tests in the past, Brian has tried very hard not to cry because he is so proud of Mekhi (and I forgot to put extra tissues in my purse). Lisa/Mom #1 and I are proud, too, and take plenty of pictures during the belt tests (though hers turn out much better than mine).

Saturday’s test included a module test for those going for a second- or third-degree black belt, which included using and wooden and padded swords. When Brian told me the name of the wooden sword, I thought it was spelled “Bokun”; nope; it was Bokken. Go ahead and Google the first word, but know that the Urban Dictionary definition is NSFW.

After the tests were complete, some of the instructors gave inspirational speeches. One, who has lost over seventy pounds since the beginning of the year, talked about reaching a plateau and how to go beyond that. At first I thought he was talking about a Fat Toe; maybe I need to have my hearing checked again.

Pog ma thoin!

“If you don’t get the ‘Leather Bear’ thing, remember to put safe search on when you Google.”R.K. MilhollandSomething Positive